What we should know about teeth whitening


A white, beautiful smile is the most important feature of our appearance, which has become even more desirable with the arrival of spring. Tooth loss is a common problem in modern life, which men and women alike struggle with.

This ubiquitous and well-established phrase "Hollywood smile" was used by the American dentist Charles Pincus in the 20s of the last century, and it was at this time that the foundation of aesthetic dentistry in America was laid. The whitening procedure will be performed with the latest technology, safely, by a professional.
There is an opinion that the tooth whitening procedure significantly damages the enamel and increases sensitivity. This opinion is wrong. Modern teeth whitening procedures are completely safe for the patient's oral health. In this case, special importance is attached to the experience and professionalism of the dentist. A properly performed procedure will not damage your teeth and will give them an attractive, sharp shine.

There are 2 main methods of teeth whitening:

There is the so-called office whitening, which is carried out in the clinic, using the flash method. The procedure lasts about 1 hour, is painless (perhaps a slight discomfort) and it is possible to whiten up to 2-6 tones. After the teeth whitening procedure, follow the so-called "white diet" "During 2 weeks, it is recommended to refrain from colored food and drinks to give the pores of your teeth the necessary time to close and keep a beautiful, white smile for a long time. In particular, you should refrain from drinking black coffee and red wine. It is recommended to use a toothpaste with a whitening effect on teeth daily.

Home bleaching The so-called home bleaching is whitening with individual caps, when the patient uses the whitening gel at home according to the doctor's prescription.

Patients often think that professional teeth cleaning and teeth whitening are one and the same procedure. This view is wrong. During professional teeth cleaning, stones and food plaques are removed from the surface of the teeth. That is why, after the removal of stones and plaque, the natural color of the teeth returns and visually the smile becomes whiter and more charming than it was before the procedure.

With us, you can perform office whitening with the help of the highest quality American IBRITE LED WHITENING LIGHT device and WHITER IMAGE gel.
Only in the month of March, we offer office teeth whitening for just 400 GEL instead of 650 GEL!

What we should know about teeth whitening

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