Bleeding gums: when to visit a dentist


With the warmth of summer and plenty of free time comes outdoor activities and plenty of opportunities for fun in the sun. However, the heat presents new challenges to oral health. One of the problems that can become more urgent at this time is bleeding gums. It is interesting when to ignore the problem/treat at home and when to consult a dentist?

What causes bleeding gums?

Bleeding gums can be a sign of a number of problems, most commonly gum disease such as gingivitis or periodontitis.
Potential causes of bleeding gums include:
- Improper oral hygiene
- Using a coarse toothbrush
- Hormonal changes
- Deficiency of vitamins
- Medicines
- smoke

It is worth noting that in the summer several factors can contribute to the irritation of the gums and cause bleeding:

1. Dehydration: Hot weather can cause dehydration, which reduces saliva production. Saliva is crucial for removing food particles and bacteria, so less saliva can lead to plaque build-up and gum irritation.
2. Changed eating habits: Summer often means barbecues, picnics, and consuming large amounts of soft (sugary) or acidic foods and drinks. This can increase the risk of gum inflammation and bleeding.
3. Increased physical activity: More outdoor activity increases the risk of oral injury or sudden trauma, which can also lead to bleeding gums.
4. Allergies and sinus problems: Summer allergens can cause sinus congestion, which in turn causes mouth breathing. Mouth breathing can dry out and irritate the gums.
While sometimes mild gum bleeding can be easily treated at home, persistent or heavy bleeding should not be ignored.
Here are some signs that it's time to make an appointment with the dentist:
- Bleeding that lasts more than a week
- Swollen gums
- Gums that are easily irritated and start to bleed spontaneously without brushing/flossing.
- Constant bad smell or bad taste in the mouth
- Painful chewing

In conclusion, good oral hygiene, regular visits and plenty of water will help you enjoy the season healthy and carefree. If you notice persistent bleeding or other signs of gum disease, do not hesitate to contact your dentist for professional advice.

To make an appointment with a periodontist, contact us.

Bleeding gums: when to visit a dentist

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